
"[...]En gij stoot overal der dingen oppervlak
een spiegel van uw eenzaamheid
een teller van uw korte reis"*

alleen een beetje moe leuk om te reizen
koud en gezellig in Rotterdam Centraal Station
trein lekker op tijd geen vertraging

ik zit nu in de trein
ik ben te laat
wil nu zo snel mogelijk naar huis

maar het was me wel een dagje hoor
jammer, dat onze liefdes er niet bij waren
leuke mensen gezien en bumpers.

bumpers had degene die dit hierboven heeft geschreven
alle ouders waren weg
gelukkig leek ze zeker

*Het Dorp door Paul van Ostaijen


"Is it lack of imagination that makes us come
to imagined places,
not just stay at home?"*

but why would you go home?
if you can't decide in one day
you can't decide!

still dreaming about a car
sleek, agressive, full of power
a car is a car is a car

so that's what he said to me and then I
replied:"Why are you talking about a car when the
only thing I want to know is"...

Why I'm to busy for something to pop-up
Pesei guy a tarda asina pa scibi tres zin
Hoy voy a dormir con mi novio

*Questions of Travel by Elizabeth Bishop


"pinda zat op spoorwegbaan
daar kwam juist een treintje aan
pinda keek niet uit helaas"*

nu is hij bij sinterklaas
in het hiernamaals
hoe com in hier weg?

ik verveel me dood!
ik moet eens nieuwe muziek op mijn mp3-speeler zetten!
ik val bijna in slaap!

nog twee stations en dan weer in amsterdam
waar gaan we dan hier?
naar huis!

ik ben op weg naar mijn broer in amsterdam
waar ik samen met mijn zus een kleine familie
reunie hoor te beleven!

elke laatse vrijdag van januari, reunie van de HAVO
op weg naar amsterdam!
mijn vriend is soldaat en gaat 6 maanden naar bosnie :(


"Is it lack of imagination that makes us come
to imagined places,
not just stay at home?"*

Traveling in space
go to the beach
have a baby

Eat lots of meat
don't ever be satisfied
Do what you fear.

Or act like you dare to do it
Try to listen to your thoughts
Do what you like to do!

Write love songs for your own heart
Sing it to me
Sing it to me.


"Is it lack of imagination that makes us come
to imagined places,
not just stay at home?"*

Why go to the bookstore?
I'm on my way to Amsterdam
2 days later she showed me the picture

I didn't expect this. I frightened me,
because now it was clear I didn't know who she really was.
I asked her if she could tell me who she really was.

She said 'it does not matter'.
I did not agree
who she was and what she trying to tell me?

I just couldn't really understand. She was
speaking loud and clear to me and i'm
sure her pronounciation was ok. She was speaking words but no language.

*Questions of Travel by Elizabeth Bishop

[15.02] rotterdam-amsterdam evening rush hour...

Driver! I shouted, it's you and me tonight
let's run away from this big city
to a smaller city more suitable to the heart*,

where I can be myself
and shout when i want to

to a city with more space and kindness
where we can be free
to live life to the fullest

is to live life at its best
not a life's motto for the majority of people
that is, judging by the faces of the passengers in this train

a pretty extraordinary and amazing happening.
Over here, a man i studying his Bible
which makes him look like an indoctrinated evangelist.


Driver! I shouted, it's you and me tonight
let's run away from this big city
to a smaller city more suitable to the heart,

cause it's true what they say,
size does matter!
to a place where everybody knows your name...

is what the old man kindly said
even though we both realized
that we would have to face a lot of problems getting there

every day is a day
open open open
grow or go

go with the flow
or go your own way.
Be a true individual.


Driver! I shouted, it's you and me tonight
let's run away from this big city
to a smaller city more suitable to the heart,

where we can settle down for a while,
and then might discover
the true meaning of life.

And when we've found it,
not a second sooner,
everything we wanted will be ours.

ALL We Desire We Shall Take
With Might, Tactic or Thievery.

Neither strength nor tactic minds can save you
The more power we gain the more you suffer
At the end you loose.

*first three lines by Leonard Cohen